
Upside: “The Art of Finance.” February 2001

Feb 01, 2001

Thomas Weisel Upside and the Art of FinanceUpside’s 2001 feature on Thom Weisel and Thom Weisel Partners is written in sections of time, detailing a day in the busy life of the finance mogul. We are taken through dozens of meetings Weisel hosts and attends during the two days Jerry Borrell is with him.

Over the course of two days Weisel meets with many different people: employees, friends, potential investors, and peers. Weisel works everywhere, even from his car, late into the day. The article details discussions that take place between Weisel and his business partners, concerning IPOs, the price of stocks, and what future investments the company might make. Borrell notes that Weisel wants to know what’s going on in Europe, in Asia, and everywhere: Borrell shows that Weisel is a man with shrewd business ideas and that his words carry a lot of weight in the business world.

Upside’s feature chronicles Weisel’s productive meetings with Yahoo’s Tim Koogle about Yahoo Japan’s acquisitions. We sit in on meetings between Weisel and his team in which he asks the tough questions, like what the price of a stock will be or whether it is the right time to take a company public.

Borrell lets us see the humor with which Weisel operates his business, too, putting his employees and partners at ease in asking why they aren’t using a Siebel program he implemented, making a joke about its problems. Borrell writes that the entire group of “tiger team” members are “happy that the boss is savvy enough to know when there is a problem, relieved to know they have a leader astute enough to ask tough questions, and satisfied that he allows them a public forum to provide such a safe group response to an issue he is personally attached to.”

The multi-page article features photos and notable captions about Weisel and his team, detailing how hard Weisel works and explaining that his dedication to his company is total.

Feb 01, 2001